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Auburn High School Auxiliaries

About the Auxiliaries

The Auburn High School band program boasts two highly active and competitive auxiliary units.

Under the direction of Ms. Erin Greer and Ms. Michelle Bloom, the Auburn High School Colorguard is active during the Fall as a component of the Marching Band, providing visuals and color to our shows with the use of dance, flags, rifles, and sabers. During the Spring, this group transitions indoors, becoming the Auburn High School Winter Guard. Competing as a part of the SCPA circuit, the Winterguard presents unique and creative productions each year. 

The Auburn High School Majorettes are under the direction of Mrs. Emma Vaters and represent the best that modern competitive twirling has to offer. The winners of numerous high-caption awards, the AHS Majorettes provide flair and sparkle to the AHSMB's production each year, with many of its members also maintaining active individual competitive efforts each year. 

These auxiliary units have consistently prepared students for the possibility of spinning and twirling at the next level and many of our former members can be seen on collegiate fields around the country each Saturday during the Fall. 

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