Auburn High School Concert Bands
About the
Concert Bands
The Auburn High School Band Program has three fully seated Concert Bands. The three bands are seated by audition placement each spring. All concert ensembles play at three regular concerts each year in addition to participating at the Alabama Bandmasters Music Performance Assessment in March. The band program also has a great number of students try out for and win spots each year in the Alabama All State Band and All District Band. The Auburn High School Band is also a Sudler Flag recipient under the direction of Tommy Goff in 1988.
All bands at Auburn High consistently score superior ratings at contests and Music Performance Assessment. The Wind Symphony (formally known as the Honors Band) has a history of excellence in playing the most difficult level of music at the highest level. This ensemble has performed at the College Band Directors National Conference (CBDNA) and several times at the Alabama Music Educators Conference under the direction of Rusty Logan.